Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What fun....

Rae has posted a bunch of new pictures. We've had some fun and busy weeks and weekends lately. The fall colors were amazing this year. The pictures never do it justice, but we sure enjoyed watching the leaves change. They're all falling off now, and the feeling of winter is in the air....

We spent much of the weekend 2 weeks ago insulating our house. My mom came up and spent Saturday with the girls, while Rae and I blew insulation into the attic and walls. We're sure hoping it helps ease the feeling of winter in the house :)

Last weekend, we were able to get down to Milwaukee for our niece, Ella's, birthday party. She just turned 1 and she's a doll. We went to her party and picked some apples with my sister, Ed, and Ella. Sunday we played in the leaves at my mom's house. It's been a fun filled fall. Life is good!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fall colors are beautiful. Girls are so cute! Apples look tastey. You are blessed! Life is what you make it --- hold onto each other!!!

G'ma A